Grace Paull Collection 1936


Grace Paull Collection 1936

The collection consists of 1 crayon illustration, a crayon and watercolor study for jacket, and a 44-page crayon, pencil, and watercolor dummy with text proof.



SNAC Resource ID: 6615740

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Paull, Grace, 1898-1990 (person)

Grace Paull was born in 1898 in Cold Brook, NY. She designed greeting cards for several years after attending art school. In 1932 she began a career as an illustrator of children's books. She also wrote several books for children, which were all self-illustrated. Her early outdoor activities such as skating, skiing, hiking, and exploring had a great influence on her writing and illustrating. Biographical Source: Somebody About the Author, Vol. 24, p. 156-158 From the guide to the Gra...